Gathering Resources

Now that you've purchased the Text Study, I'll be shipping your Study Guide to you right away. While you're waiting for it to arrive...

1) Purchase The Iliad. This is the recommended edition, translated by Richmond Lattimore and with an introduction by Richard Martin:

If you have another edition of the book lying around, you can probably use it as long as it is translated by Richmond Lattimore. Getting the book with the right translation is critical, while getting the book with the correct introduction is helpful, but not absolutely necessary.

Important! Do not attempt to do this study on digital devices, like Kindles and iPads. Trust me: It won't work! You must have a paper book and a paper notebook.

2) Gather your other supplies. I recommend:

  • a plain notebook with a few section dividers as you may want to keep track of characters and vocab in one section, observations and questions in another section, and diagrams and drawings in another.
  • a variety of writing utensils like pencils, different colored pens, highlighters, sticky notes and sticky flags.

We'll be working on active reading and you'll be developing your own note taking method. You want lots of options so you can figure out what works best for you!

Here are some other resources that might be helpful to you as you use the Study Guide. (These are links!)

Glossary of Literary Devices

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Online Bible

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