About the First Friday Poetry Club

William Carlos Williams once wrote: “It is difficult / to get the news from poems / yet men die miserably every day / for lack / of what is found there.”

On First Fridays, Ms. Finnigan invites homeschooling parents and other adults to grab a cup of coffee, jump online, and read a poem together, just for fun. Ponder it, discuss it, laugh at it, explore it, discover what it has to offer you.

She hopes this club will help adults step outside their normal routines and “fill their cup." Homeschooling parents might learn some new techniques that will boost their confidence in "teaching to the text," curriculum-free, at home!

Whether you once loved poetry, never “got it,” or always hated it, you are welcome. This will be a fun, laidback experience. No deep insights necessary. We might even write some poetry. We’ll see where “the muse” takes us!

This poetry club is mostly for adults, but older teens are welcome. Ms. Finnigan would prefer that teens attend with a parent and that parent and student use this time to learn together.

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